Training Document No. 53

Welcome to ValQuest Ads.
Get Started

What It Means to Participate?


A Distributor may participate in an Advertising Campaign by:

a) Registering .
b) Utilizing the Self-Liquidating Loan Program.
c) Going shopping.
d) Redeeming Value Certificates.
e) Offering this financial opportunity to other people who will also participate.

These are the steps to get Started:


1. Register as a Distributor at
2. Print and sign the Distributor Application and Agreement.


1. Determine your Self-Liquidating Loan amount.
2. Select the Value Certificate denominations from the Packing Sheet.
3. Print the Packing Sheet.
4. Print and Sign the Self-Liquidating Loan Agreement.
5. Obtain a Money Order or make the payment via Zelle.
6. Mail the above forms to ValQuest Ads.


1. Receive the issued Value Certificates.
2. Go Shopping at our Authorized Redemption Centers (ARC).
3. Redeem the Value Certificates for your chosen products.
4. Customer and/or Distributor will now be financially even.

How You Earn Money

1. Personally participate in an Advertising Campaign and get paid:
a) Alpha Personal Commission.
b) The APC is a Dollar Stretcher Cash Back Commission.

2. Enroll Distributors and get paid more:
 a) Beta Organization Commission.
b) Delta Fast Start Bonus.
c) Omega Direct Commission.

Select your Self-Liquidating Loan participation amount for the Advertising Campaign.

The Alpha Personal Commission (APC) and the Beta Organization Commission (BOC) Linear Chart.

Amount $ VC APC G1 BOC x 5 G2 BOC x 25 G3 BOC x 125 Total
20 20 5 2.50 12.50 500.00 520.00
40 40 10 5.00 25.00 1,000.00 1,040.00
60 60 15 7.50 37.50 1,500.00 1,560.00
80 80 20 10.00 50.00 2,000.00 2,080.00
100 100 25 12.50 62.50 2,500.00 2,600.00
200 200 50 25.00 125.00 5,000.00 5,200.00
300 300 75 37.50 187.50 7,500.00 7,800.00
400 400 100 50.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,400.00
500 500 125 62.50 312.50 12,500.00 13,000.00


1. The above chart shows the Alpha Personal Commission (APC) income earned with the Value Certificates redeemed.
2. The above chart shows the Beta Organization Commission (BOC) income earned with the Distributor participating.
3. A Distributor will receive additional income from the Delta Account for two months as a new Distributor is enrolled.
4. A Distributor will be eligible to receive additional income from the Omega Account after participating for three months.
5. The Organization’s BOC SLL amount is identical to the enroller’s BOC SLL amount.

Customer Service

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