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Q. Why start an Advertising Company?

A. First, a little background information is necessary to answer that question. I retired in 2012 after I spent 50 years in the electronic industry. I soon realized that I would need additional income beyond a Social Security check because of the economic problems caused by inflation. Prices were going up and the Social Security check purchasing power was losing ground. So, I designed and created this business as an answer to the income and inflation problem. ValQuest Ads agenda is to help the average person fight the harmful effects of inflation.

Q. What makes ValQuest Ads different than other advertising companies?

A. ValQuest Ads is a person-to-person, word of mouth, advertising company. The company sponsors businesses and promotes advertising campaigns for those businesses using our Zero-Cost Advertising Program. This simply means they do not pay us, and we do not pay them.

Instead of charging businesses we enroll distributors to help us financially promote the advertising campaigns. By using this approach our distributors can earn commission checks. ValQuest Ads compensates its distributors in four ways for their participation. The Company’s Dollar Stretcher Cash Back Program and its inflation buster agenda is designed to stretch the value of the dollar, increase a distributor’s income, and help the membership overcome the harmful effects of inflation.

Q. What is the significance of the Company name, and does it have any special meaning?

A. The Company name ValQuest is taken from the one liner, The Quest for Value.

The ADS portion is an acronym for Advertising, Distribution, and Sales.

Q. How does ValQuestAds intend to help with the inflation problem?

A. The answer to inflation is to save money when buying items, and to earn money when spending money. There are four methods of earning income in the ValQuest Ads compensation plan. I will explain the first one.

As an example, let me compare  a person going grocery shopping the customary way with a person going grocery shopping the ValQuest Ads way.

1. The first person goes to the grocery store and selects four hundred dollars’ worth of products. They pay $400 for the items they selected during checkout with cash or a credit card. The customer has received their value in the products they purchased.

2. The second person goes to the grocery store and selects four hundred dollars’ worth of products. They pay $300 with cash or a credit card and $100 in ValQuest Ads Value Certificates for the items they selected during checkout. The total cost is $400 in both examples and the customer has received their value in the products they purchased.

However, ValQuest Ads compensates the participant for the Value Certificates redeemed from the Alpha Personal Commission Account. The Alpha Personal Commission compensates the participant 25% of the Value Certificates redeemed during a calendar month.

Q. How does a person obtain Value Certificates?

A. There are two methods available. One is to become a customer of one of our Distributors. After purchasing Value Certificates from a Distributor, a customer can earn the 25% Cash Back once a month directly from their Distributor.The second method is to become a Distributor. A Distributor may earn income from the Cash Back method and from three other commission methods. A Distributor may earn commissions on the Value Certificates they redeem, and they may earn commissions on the Value Certificates their organization redeems.

Q. What are the steps required for a person to become a Distributor of ValQuest Ads?

A. The first step is to Register by going to the Company website: valquestads.com.
After registering,they will need to Login with their credentials.

  1. Go to the Company website.
  2. Register.
  3. Login.
  4. File the Application and Agreement.
  5. File the Self-Liquidating Loan Agreement.
  6. Select Value Certificates denominations from the Packing Sheet.
  7. Mail in the documents with a money order.

Q. What is the cost to become a Distributor?

A. The cost is $9.00 a month, payable as an Annual Distributorship Fee of $108.00.

Q. What is the monthly cost to participate after a person has registered?

A. The net monthly expenditure is determined by a person’s normal monthly spending habits and what items they regularly purchase. A participant will be loaning funds to the Company and will receive Value Certificates equal to the amount of the loan. Therefore, after redeeming the Value Certificates for merchandise normally purchased, it will have cost the distributor nearly nothing to participate.

The program is created and designed in such a way to end up costing a Distributor zero dollars. We are in the advertising business and our Distributors can financially participate in an advertising campaign for businesses by loaning money to the Company.We named the loan process the Self-Liquidating Loan Program.

We issue Value Certificates to the participant and that activity liquidates the loan.The way the program ends up costing zero dollars is that a person purchases products they normally buy. The difference is the product companies have agreed to accept Value Certificates as a percentage of the cost. Once the person redeems the Value Certificates and receives the purchased products, they are essentially financially even. The financial gain is achieved when the participating distributor receives the Alpha Personal Commission check for 25%.

Q. What is the minimum amount needed by a Distributor to participate in the loan program?

A. The smallest denomination of a Value Certificate is $1.00, so I guess that would be the minimum. The Company has not established a minimum. The amount of the loan is determined by the Distributors and the products they would normally buy. The loan amount is therefore determined by the number of Value Certificates desired by the Distributor.

As an example, a Distributor may participate for as little as ten dollars a week, or forty dollars a month. The income percentages earned are linear so if a Distributor loans one-hundred dollars a week, instead of ten dollars a week, the Alpha Personal Commission earned would be ten times the amount.

Q. What are the Self-Liquidating Loan funds used for?

A. They are utilized as part of the expense in promoting advertising campaigns. The creation of the Value Certificate inventory and the cost of the Distributor’s commissions are the largest initial expenses.The remaining costs are the normal office operating expenses and the cost of contacting and sponsoring new businesses.

Q. What are the requirements for a Distributor to earn income from an enrolled individual or from their organization?

A. Distributor must advertise the program to other like-minded individuals. When a new person enrolls into the program they are positioned in the enroller’s organization. The enroller receives a commission as the new distributor participates in an advertising campaign. The duties of a distributor require the recruit to loan funds to the Company. The funds are deposited into an Advertising Unit (AU) Account. An Advertising Unit represents the smallest fractional financial component of the Advertising Campaign. One US dollar is currently one AU, and one RV. Part of the AU Account is deposited in the Redemption Volume (RV) Commission Account.

Q. Can you explain the second method of earning a commission check?

A. The second method of earning commissions involves the activity of advertising and recruiting an organization of like-minded individuals. It is called the Beta Organization Commission (BOC). There is a chart available that explains the Rules and Regulations, shows the Self-Liquidating Loan amount required by each participant, and the total number of distributors required to produce a desired income.

Q. Since the Company does not charge businesses for the advertising campaigns, how does the Company earn an income?

A. An advertising company normally earns its income by selling broadcast message space, or time modules, to its clients. The total time and space are often sold as a package known as an Advertising Campaign. The Advertising Campaign is further broken down into smaller financially manageable segments called Advertising Units. An Advertising Unit represents the smallest fractional financial component of the Advertising Campaign. After the Distributor’s commissions are paid, the Company earns the operational funds from the Advertising Units remaining in the Account.

Q. Where does a person find the list of Authorized Redemption Centers?

A. The website contains a list of the ARCs. The first ARC sponsored was Dynamic LifeWorks. It is a non-profit organization that provides funds to non-kill shelters to help pay for food, housing, and medical care for abandon and rescued family pets. It has a small variety of health-related products and a donation page. Dynamic LifeWorks Inc is also a Distributor of ValQuest Ads Inc.

Q. What is the Self-Liquidating Loan Program?

A. The Self-Liquidating Loan Program is a loan to the Company by and from our membership. The funds will give the Company the operating capital needed to create the Value Certificate inventory, pay the commissions, and pay the operating expenses.The members that apply and are accepted into the SLL Program will receive Value Certificates. The distribution of the Value Certificates to the distributors will liquidate the self-liquidating loan.

Q. What is a ValQuest Value Certificate?

A. It is a tool we use to promote our zero-cost advertising campaigns for businesses. In its simplest form it is a type of voucher. It has multiple functions as described in the Definition of Terms.

Q. What can be purchased with Value Certificates?

A. The basic answer to that question will be anything that can be purchased with cash and/or credit cards and is advertised using our system. Recognizable everyday brand name items can be purchased from our authorized redemption centers. We are not asking people to spend money they aren’t already spending or buy what they aren’t already buying: we are just helping them do it in a more productive way.

Q. How much do Value Certificates cost?

A. The cost to a Distributor for a One Dollar ValQuest Value Certificate is zero dollars. They are issued to a Distributor that has participated in the Self-Liquidating Loan Program. The Self-Liquidating Loan funds are used to finance an advertising campaign. The cost to a customer for a One Dollar ValQuest Value Certificate is $1.00.

Q. Are there other ways to earn income besides the Personal Sales Commission?

A. Distributors may earn income from the following income categories: Alpha Personal Commission, Beta Fast Start Bonus, Delta Fast Start Bonus, and the Omega Direct Commission.

Q. Can a person pay the total amount due with Value Certificates?

A. The Company has negotiated a percentage and/or dollar discount amount with the Authorized Redemption Center Businesses. A person may pay this percentage and/or dollar amount with Value Certificates. It would be very unusual to pay the total amount due with Value Certificates.

Q. What are the denominations of the ValQuest Value Certificates?

A. ValQuest Value Certificates are offered in values of 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 and 20.

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