Rules & Regulations

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Rules and Regulations

  1. Upon acceptance of the Member Application & Agreement, the new person becomes a Member.
  2. The new Member may become a Distributor during phase three. A Distributor may distribute Company products.
  3. The basic duties of a Distributor are to advertise person to person for a client’s Advertising Campaign, distribute products to non-member customers, and enroll new Distributors.
  4. ValQuest Ads Value Certificates can be obtained by customers from Distributors.
  5. ValQuest Ads Value Certificates must be redeemed to receive the discount percentage offered by the merchant business.
  6. All advertising by Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors must be approved by ValQuest Ads Inc.
  7. Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors may not intentionally solicit on client’s properties or to existing client’s customers.
  8. All Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors begin each month with zero Personal Volume (PV), Advertising Units (AU), Business Volume (BV), and Redemption Volume (RV).
  9. All Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors that participates in funding a Company sponsored Advertising Campaign may qualify to earn Commissions and Bonuses.
  10. All Member, Marketing Director, and/or Distributor Titles must file the Monthly Distribution Report to receive compensation.
  11. Distributors are required to provide a written receipt to their customers for the delivery or purchase of Value Certificates. The receipt shall be in duplicate and contain the distributor’s and customers name, address, phone number, email address, transaction date, and the total amount paid, if any. It shall also contain the serial number(s) and denominations of the Value Certificates. The foregoing information shall be photographed, recorded, enclosed, and forwarded to ValQuest Ads as required for the Monthly Distribution Report (MDR).
  12. There are six Titles available to a Distributor. The Titles are: Marketing Director, Copper Marketing Director, Bronze Marketing Director, Silver Marketing Director, Gold Marketing Director, and Platinum Marketing Director.
  13. A titled Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors may recruit help for his/her business by enrolling additional Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors.
  14. The Title Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors attain is determined by the person’s choice of Business Volume produced during a commission period and is independent of team distributor’s activities.
  15. ValQuest Marketing Directors provide the funding for the client’s advertising campaigns in exchange for a discount on their products and/or services. The discount amount is paid by redeeming Value certificates.
  16. ValQuest Value Certificates must be redeemed to receive the discount percentage offered by the client’s business.
  17. Charity Registration: The Charity Organization must file a Charity Distributor Application and Agreement. It must be processed, verified, accepted, approved, and a membership number assigned, by the Company, to validate the Charity Distributor Application & Agreement.
  18. Enroller: A Member, Marketing Director, and/or Distributors may enroll other Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors and may be eligible to receive various commissions and bonuses. The number of persons that may be enrolled and placed by the enroller is unlimited. Enrollment is currently limited to residents of the United States.
  19. Inactivity: A Member, Marketing Director, and/or Distributor will be removed from the Compensation Plan and returned to a Distributor if the Marketing Director fails to redeem and/or sell the minimum product Business Volume as outlined in Company literature for two months during a twelve-month time period.
  20. Member Placement: The enroller has the discretion and authority to place a new member in organization’s position of his/her choice if it otherwise complies with the Compensation Plan and the Marketing Plan Rules and Regulations.
  21. MGM: The Marketing Compensation Plan may be organized as a form of Multi-Generation Marketing. (MGM)
  22. Qualified: The word Qualified brings with it certain requirements and privileges. All Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors are required to personally redeem and/or sell products to receive organization commissions and bonuses and to retain their position in the Company.
  23. Sales Percentage Requirement: All Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors must move products to the end consumer to receive bonuses and commissions. They must assert and certify they have redeemed and/or sold a minimum of 70% of the previous month product Business Volume (BV) to a personal customer or end consumer.
  24. Satellite Businesses: Members may not enroll multiple times. There are no Satellite businesses allowed.
  25. Titles: All Members, Marketing Directors, and/or Distributors are deemed to be Marketing Directors. Marketing Director Titles are determined by the Business Volume attained during a compensation period.

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