Training Document No. 50

Welcome to ValQuest Ads.
Get Started

A Message to Potential Customers, Members, and Distributors

I have been involved with the MLM industry since my introduction to the concepts during the late 1970’s. The basic concepts sounded good: Buy the Company’s products and or services, sell to customers, sponsor distributors, make money. Somehow, the make money part of the equation seemed to evade me. I bought and used the products, sold the products to customers, sponsored distributors, listened to motivational tapes, read books, and attended inspirational seminars.

I valued the business concepts and so I wanted to find the solutions to the distributor challenges contained within the MLM industry. We at ValQuest Ads have uncovered and created solutions to many of these challenges.
Distributors must sell the product to customers and sell the compensation plan to build an organization of distributors. Most recruited distributors are not professional salespeople. Novice Distributors are really in the advertising business. This realization and conclusion changes everything. ValQuest Ads declares every distributor can be paid for their advertising activity by creating an appropriate business and compensation plan.

ValQuest Ads Inc. is the result of this innovative marketing approach. I call it Multi-Generation Marketing to distinguish it from its counterpart. The compensation plan rewards every Distributor for their individual advertising efforts. I pledge to you that every participating Distributor will receive a Company product that has a potential value that is worth what it costs, and each participating Distributor will receive a compensation check.

Why Enroll in ValQuest Ads?

Have you noticed prices are going up rapidly? These price increases are directly caused by our country’s leadership agenda. It is referred to as INFLATION! Inflation is the result of the printing and distribution of an excessive amount of money chasing too few products. ValQuest Ads was purposely designed to offset the price increases caused by inflation.

How Can an Individual Fight Back?

ValQuest Ads Business Plan offers businesses our Zero-Cost Advertising Program (Z-CAP). It contains a contract to accept Value Certificates from our customers that we send them. The Value Certificates can be redeemed as a percentage of the total cost of the items purchased. ValQuest Ads then compensates the individual Distributor for the Value Certificates redeemed during an advertising campaign.

Customer Service

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